We have implemented Wordpress Security Shield on our servers. As a result you will see pop-up login page in wp-admin / wp-login pages. In that pop-up message box your have to provide "admin" as your Login ID and Password. After that the real login page will be shown. This is to prevent wordpress login page brute-force attack.

We always suggest our wordpress users, to install themes from good sources only and use up-to-date plugins and modules. Use latest version of wordpress and stay safe. Use different mysql password and control panel password for your hosting. Change mysql password after several months.

If you use pirated/nulled version of wordpress themes, you will face CryptoPHP attack, SQL Injection etc. Backdated plugins generally affected and having potential exploits/vulnerabilities inside.

Stay safe and Secured.


Warm Regards,

Abuse and Security Dept. | Beta Host Limited.

Dissabte, maig 13, 2017

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