How to Install a Python WSGI Application on Beta Host Server

Install the application

To install an application, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the server via SSH as a cPanel user.

  2. Create the application’s directory, relative to your home directory. To do this, run the following command, where directoryname represents the application’s directory:

    mkdir directoryname

  3. Change to the application’s directory. To do this, run the following command, where directoryname represents the application’s directory:

    cd directoryname
  4. Copy the application to your server.

  5. Create the file. In this example, pythonapp represents your python application and MyApp represents an application function:

    echo "from pythonapp import MyApp as application" >
  6. Install the application’s dependencies. To do this, run the following command:

    pip install --user -r requirements.txt

    You can also install any dependencies in the Ensure Dependencies section of cPanel’s Application Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Application Manager).


Test the application

After you install the application, we recommend that you confirm that it’s active.

  1. Run the following command:

    The output might resemble the following example:
      <!DOCTYPE html>

    <section class="main">
    <h1>Hello world!</h1>
    Welcome to the example app.


  2. Open another terminal window and log in to the server via SSH as the same cPanel user.

  3. Run the following command:

    curl http://localhost:5000
    The output will resemble the following example:
    Hello, World!


Register the application

After you install the application, register it. To do this, use cPanel’s Application Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Application Manager).

You can then access the application in a web browser with the following url:


Restart the application

To restart your application after you edit it, create the restart.txt touch file. Create this file in the application’s /tmp directory. This file directs Phusion Passenger® to restart the application after you modify it. This action applies your changes to the application.

  • python, java, ssh
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